Welcome to Class 2 2022-2023
You can find out more about our learning by visiting the curriculum section of our website.
Class 2 Curriculum Map 2022 – 2023
World Maths Day
Class 2 had an active maths lesson to celebrate World Maths Day. We have been focusing on our X2, X5 and X10 times table this week in class so to demonstrate our understanding we completed lots of activities based on our times tables. The children had to bounce a ball 5 times, throw a bean bag in the air 10 times and pass a ball to each other 2 times. We also completed a times table race where the children had to run to a hoop and get a question then run to another hoop to locate the answer…. As you can see it did get windy! The children enjoyed running around the yard trying to match their question to an answer.
Testing stability in Design Technology
Class 2 are going to design and make a new chair for Baby Bear. Before we can make anything, we discussed the importance of having to do research and test which shape would be the most stable for chair legs. Our research continues…
Expressive Painting
This term the children have been looking at ‘Expressive Painting’ and the artwork of Charlie French. The children painted three backgrounds in primary colours. Once these had dried they applied another colour, using various home made tools to apply paint in abstract patterns. We discussed ways we could drag paint across the page to create marks. The children were inventive with their design ideas.
Baby Bear’s Chair
The children showed some excellent GEM POWERS during our DT lessons with their teamwork and collaboration as well as resilience. The children thought about which structure would provide the most stability for their chairs. Some children changed the materials they wanted to use whilst others changed their designs. We had chairs, sun loungers and even tables! We discussed the importance of evaluating our final creation to decide whether next time we would make changes to improve our chairs.
Brush Work of Van Gogh
The children looked at the brush work of Van Gogh today and tried to recreate it themselves using acrylic paints. We learnt that the word
“Impasto” describes paint when it is applied so thickly onto the canvas that it remains raised.
2D Shape
Class 2 have been looking at the properties of 2D shapes this week. We used matchsticks to create the shapes so we could look at them & then count how many sides and corners the shape had.
Welcome to Class 2 2021-2022
You can find out more about our learning by visiting the curriculum section of our website.
Curriculum Map Class 2 – 2021 – 2022
Class 2 have been looking at doubling numbers this week, we painted an accurate number of dots and the children then carefully folded to create double. The children then added the two sets together.
Class 2 had an extra special visit this week from DogsTrust and learnt how to behave safely around dogs.
Trim Trail
Class 2 had a fantastic time trying out the trim trail in the autumn sunshine.
Online Safety
The children completed an online safety lesson using Now Press Play. They acted out the things that can go wrong when using the digital world of computer games. The children loved it when they were taken into the video game to become a real life character!
Class 2 are enjoying reading and working on Lexia on the laptops. We are all trying hard to get to the next level and be presented with certificates!
Silhouettes in Art
Class 2 have been using their own shadows to create silhouettes of the human body.
We created lots of different actions including waving, standing and sitting. The children drew the outlines using chalk.
Relax Kids
Class 2 had a very relaxing PE session today, which saw them take part in their first ‘Relax Kids Session’. We have been given a challenge for next week which is to use our breathing to help us feel calm. The children were really kind to their friends and could all say something positive about each other.
Eco Lesson
The children in Class 2 took part in an Eco Lesson today, this was delivered by Durham County Council Outreach. The children read a story called Greta and the Giants which was all about making good choices to keep our world a beautiful place. The children looked at how we can save electricity and counted all of the electronic devices in the classroom. The children then made their own ‘Energy Saving Pledge’ and shared their ideas with the class.
Comma in a list
Class 2 have been looking at using a comma in a list today. They really enjoyed the game at the end of lesson to show their understanding.
The children are working on a task in PE called ‘Families of Actions’ which includes travel, jump, roll and balance. The skills are done on the floor and apparatus. We are looking forward to putting routines together which demonstrate all of these skills.
Baby Bear’s Chair
Class 2 have been looking at strength and stability in DT this half term. The children looked at which shaped would provide the strongest and most stable seat. We did lots of testing and designing before making our chair. The children evaluated their designs and discussed what they would change next time to make their chair better. We had lots of partner work and discussion during the topic.
Class 2 had a lovely visit from baby chicks this week. The children discussed being quiet and calm so they felt safe.
Earth Art
Jubilee Day 2022
Class 2 had a fantastic day celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee. The day was filled with interesting events including studying a decade that the Queen reigned (Class 2 looked at the 90s), decorating crowns, eating cakes and jelly & fresh strawberries. The children had a special buffet lunch at lunchtime with their friends. The children also took part in a sponsored jog, with proceeds going to the Angel’s Trust. The children received a medal for taking part. They were also presented with mugs to commemorate the event from the local Parish Council.
Welcome to Class 2 2020-2021
You can find out more about our learning by visiting the curriculum section of our website.
Class 2 Curriculum Map 2020 – 2021
Design Technology
The children have had a fantastic week working on their DT project ‘Healthy Eating’. The children looked at sugar content, sorting foods and tasting different food combinations. The children designed three healthy wraps and had to decide on their favourite option. The children made their wrap and evaluated what worked well and what they would change next time.
Earth Art
The children created some great pieces of art work during our Earth Art topic. The children made a ‘pet rock’, a twig structure as well using twigs to create a picture frame. This was then used to frame their image of Springtime.
2D shapes
The children have been looking at the features of 2D shapes. The children understood that we see 2D shapes as faces on 3D shapes. The children used matchsticks to recreate 2D shapes. They were given different amounts of matchsticks and had to see how many of a certain shape they could make. An example, the children were given 15 matchsticks, they investigated and were able to prove you could make exactly 5 triangles.
Design Technology
The children have been investigating stability, strength and shape during our DT lessons this term. The children were given the problem of ‘Baby Bear’s Chair’ being broken and had to look at the best design. The children decided through their investigations that using cylinders would be best because they don’t have corners. We then put our cylinders together as a whole class and the design held 70 books! The children are looking forward to designing and making a new chair.
A new chair for Baby Bear
Class 2 designed and made a variety of chairs for Baby Bear during our DT lesson this term. We also evaluated our chairs and came up with some improvements to make them look nicer and also be more stable…Some of the children would of liked to have made a bigger chair to fit Daddy and Mummy Bear on too. The children gained lots of diamond power when problem solving!
Welcome to Class 2 2019-2020
Curriculum Map Class 2 – 2019-20
Auckland Castle visit Class 2
Monday 30th September 2019 was an exciting day for Class 2, the children took part in Auckland Castle’s pop-up museum! The children were able to experience sitting on the throne and handling artefacts. Class 2 enjoyed the myth of Pollard and the Boar and used drama to re-tell the story. During the day the children completed art activities including creating their own boar and also observational drawings of the artefacts.
Now Press Play
The class had a fantastic afternoon in the hall this week, when they experienced Now Press Play for the first time. Every child was given a pair of wireless headphones and we started an ‘Artic experience‘. We were immersed in sound and the children became the main character in a story. It was very exciting building an igloo, rescuing their family from the ice cave and riding through the ice. It engaged the children in their geography topic which has been all about ‘our wonderful world’.
Rapid Recall in Maths
Class 2 enjoyed using their new resource in math’s today. They worked with a partner on a variety of questions and used their problem solving and reasoning skills to work through the questions. Our magic number today was 10!
Boccia and Curling
On Tuesday 5th November Stuart from Enterprise Education came into school to show the children how to play Boccia and Curling. The children will be using these skills at a festival next week. They really enjoyed both activities. Boccia is about trying to get the balls closest to the white ball called a ‘Jack’ and Curling is trying to get the ‘curl’ closest to the red stop.
Adjectives using sweets
The children had a fun writing afternoon in class this week, they had to use their senses to describe different types of sweets. They had marshmallows, jelly beans, jelly babies and smarties and after all of the adjectives were written in their books, they got to eat the sweets!
Is it alive?
The children have been looking at proving things are alive in science this term, we started the lesson with lots of different images. The children had to decide whether the object was ‘alive, dead or never alive’. We discussed lots of different reasons we thought something was alive, including being able to move or make a noise.
Durham Cathedral
Class 2 had a brilliant day at Durham Cathedral, learning all about the life of St Cuthbert. During the day the children had a tour of Durham Cathedral, dressed up as St Cuthbert at different stages in his life and then retold some stories that demonstrate how special St Cuthbert was. The visit links with our local history topic this year as well as RE.
Boccia and Curling Festival
The children from Class 2 had a fantastic time at the Boccia and Curling Festival which was held at Bishop Barrington this week. The children used their skills learnt in school and tried their best to collect as many points as they could for their team. One of our teams actually came first! Well done Class 2.
Class 2’s assembly on the Life of St Cuthbert.
Class 2 did a fantastic job in front of their peers, teachers, parents and friends of school this week, when they performed an assembly all about the Life of St Cuthbert. The assembly linked to our visit to Durham Cathedral. Class 2 retold St Cuthbert’s life story and also retold some of the famous stories that happened during his life. To bring the stories to life, some children acted out parts including ‘St Cuthbert, the Eagle and the Boy, as well as St Cuthbert and the helpful Otters’. The chidlren spoken confidently and clearly, well done Class 2!
Art in the style of Ricardo Chavez Mendez
The children in Class 2 had a fantastic afternoon with an artist from Bishop Auckland College (who happened to be one of the children’s mum). The children completed some amazing art work using shaving foam, food colouring, paper, water and oil based paints. The artwork linked to Mexican artist Ricardo Chavez Mendez, who created artwork using a style named ‘Curvismo’. The children were able to take home some fantastic marbling effect pieces.
The Colour Monster
Class 2 really enjoyed reading the story ‘The Colour Monster’ and creating a new colourful class display. The story is based upon a sweet little monster who wants help from his friend to understand the feelings he experiences. The story allowed the children to talk about feelings and emotions connected to different colours; black, yellow, red and green.
Welcome to Class 2 2018-2019
Curriculum Map 2018-2019 Class 2
Auckland Castle’s Pop-Up Museum
Wednesday 26th September 2018 was an exciting day for Class 2, the children took part in Auckland Castle’s pop-up palace! The children were able to experience sitting on the throne and handle artefacts. Class 2 enjoyed listening to the myth of Pollard and the Boar through hand puppets. During the day the children completed various art activities including decorating their own mitre (hat), creating their own boar and also a self-portrait in the style of a Prince Bishop.
Observational Art
Class 2 spent Friday’s art lesson sketching leaves. They looked at the structure of the leaves as well as identifying the lines of symmetry (this linked to our math’s lesson from earlier in the week). During the lesson the children talked about the shape of the edges, the lines they could see within the leaves, how many points or curves the leaves had as well as the colours they could see. The children used shading to complete their drawings.
Durham Cathedral
Class 2 had a fun day at Durham Cathedral learning about the life of St. Cuthbert on Wednesday 31st October 2018. The children were able to dress up in character whilst hearing stories about his life, as well as his love for animals. The knowledge the children have gained during the day will be used for our RE topic this term, which is all around the life of St. Cuthbert. The children were very impressed with the huge replica of Durham Cathedral, made from lego!
Baby Daisy
Class 2 had a fantastic afternoon learning lots of interesting facts about Freddie’s little sister Daisy. She was so well behaved and Class 2 made sure to use their quiet voices so she didn’t wake up. The children asked questions and Freddie along with his mum answered them. Daisy is a beautiful baby and Class 2 wanted to keep her as their mascot!
‘What does she eat?’ ‘What is her name?’ What time does she go to sleep?’ ‘Does she have any toys?’
Class 2’s Local History Assembly
Thank you to everyone who came to watch Class 2’s assembly on Friday 9th November 2018. It was all about the local history of County Durham. The children read lots of interesting facts about Auckland Castle and retold the myth of ‘Pollard and the Boar’. The class showed pictures on a PowerPoint of their visit to Durham Cathedral, sang a song and read a prayer. The children had one last surprise which was a video of themselves singing in class!
Class 2 have been learning lots of new skills in PE this half-term. The children had to use a straddle, a pike and a tuck in a short routine with their partner. The children had a starting and finishing position and also had to count to make sure they kept in time with their partner. They all enjoyed showing off their routines to the rest of the class!
Hot chocolate!
Class 2 completed a piece of non-fiction writing this week. They had to write a set of instructions on how to make a hot chocolate. The children wrote what you needed for a hot chocolate in a list and then completed some detailed sentences on how to make it. They used words like First, Next and Finally to explain the order. Afterwards, the children drank their hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows!
And Tango makes three
The children in Class 2 have recently enjoyed the story of ‘And Tango makes three’. The children have completed a range of writing tasks including letters to the zoo in Central Park. The letters were so good and included lots of interesting questions, that we decided to post them to the zoo in New York! The children also included some fantastic posters. Fingers crossed we get a response.
Design Technology
Class 2 really enjoyed their DT work this week, they are planning and making their very own sock puppets. However, before they make the puppets, we discussed how important it is to research and design. The children also practised their sewing skills with a monster puppet. After they had finished the sewing, the children decorated the puppets with facial features and some children stuffed their puppet and turned it into a soft toy. They all looked brilliant!
Cheer Leading
The children in Class 2 had a taster session of Cheer Leading during their PE lesson this week. The children learnt a formation including various moves and understood the importance of counting in 8’s.
Sock Puppets
The children created a detailed plan of a puppet using a sock as the body this week in DT. The children wrote a list of items they would use and then made their designs. Everyone had a go of the hot glue gun and used this safely. The children evaluated their designs, answering questions such as ‘Does my puppet look the same as my planning? How is it the same/different? What new skills have you learned? What could you have done that would make your design even better?’
Block printing
The children were working on developing control to cover objects in paint and then print onto paper. The children picked their favourite shapes and used potatoes to create the print. They had to think carefully about how much paint to use and how much pressure. The children realised if they used too much paint, the print wasn’t very clear.
Baptism in RE
The children have worked hard this term looking at baptism in RE and thinking about what it means to ‘belong’. The children created a baptism scene in class using a doll and each took on a role during the ‘service’.
Central Park Zoo
Class 2 were very excited this week when the post arrived… We had an amazing reply from the Zoo Keeper at The Central Park Zoo in New York! We were so happy that the zoo keeper took the time to reply and answer some of our questions. Class 2 found it so funny that the King Penguins and the Chinstrap Penguins had sent us some foot prints, they have much bigger feet then the children expected! The children all took a copy of their letter home.
Easter Bunny Envelope Treats
Class 2 had a great afternoon making Easter Bunny Treats along with cards. Each child gave their bunny a personality by choosing a different coloured nose and eyes. They really enjoyed putting the chocolate treats inside to eat later.
Design Technology – Miniature Garden or Beach
Class 2 have been busy creating a detailed garden or beach this half term, the only difference being they had to include all of the detail but complete the design in miniature! The children thought about what resources they could use to re-create water, rock pools and deck chairs as well as BBQ’s and slides. Some of the children amended their designs from a garden to a miniature football pitch, which came complete with pitch markings and stadium names! During the topic, the children have researched and planned their miniature garden as well as evaluating their work.
Design Technology – Healthy Fruit Smoothie
The children have continued their DT work this week with the planning and making of a healthy fruit smoothie. The children have looked at what makes a healthy fruit smoothie and compared a smoothie with a milkshake. The children looked at where food comes from and then planned what they’d have in their own drink, drawing and labelling their design. We discussed why fruit needs to be washed as well as food hygiene when washing our hands. Some of the children said the fruit smoothies tasted ‘bitter’ others commented they were ‘yummy!’
The children in Class 2 placed chicken eggs into an incubator 21 days ago and this week saw the eggs finally hatched. The children were so excited and watched the chicks dry out in the incubator before they were transferred into their new home. The children discussed the life cycle of an egg, conditions the chicks would need to be fit and healthy as well as giving the chicks names. The children’s favourite part of the week has been holding the chicks and feeling how soft they were!
Welcome to Class 2 2017-2018
Find out what we will be learning about by viewing the Our Curriculum Map
Local history workshop
The children in Class 2 enjoying learning about the Prince Bishop’s and Pollard’s Boar.
No pen, No problem!
Class 2 had a day of lessons without the need to pick up a pen on Wednesday 4th October 2017. The day was to allow the children to use their creative skills and language when completing a task. Class 2 braved the rain and mud to collect natural objects outside, which they used to express numbers and make shapes as well as symmetrical patterns. The children had a great day.
Sssshhhh, don’t wake the baby!
Class 2 had an extra special show and tell on Friday 6th October 2017, we had the beautiful Amelia come to visit us. The children asked questions about what she eats, whether she likes to play with anything yet and also how much she sleeps. She was extremely well-behaved and everyone from Class 2 thought it would be a good idea if she came and visited us every week!
Fundamental movements in PE
Class 2 practised a range of fundamental movement skills during their PE lesson this week. The children completed a variety of tasks and all commented that the ball-dribble was the activity they enjoyed the most.
Durham Cathedral
Class 2 had a fun day at Durham Cathedral learning about St. Cuthbert on Wednesday 18th October 2017. The knowledge the children have gained during the day will be used for our RE topic next term, which is all about the life of St. Cuthbert.
‘I liked the big castle!’ Thomas.
‘The cushions that looked like rocks were really soft’ Harvey.
‘St Cuthbert was a special man’ Joseph.
Using adjectives in our writing
Class 2 have been busy trying to improve their writing this week. The children were given the task of describing different sweets with adjectives. By using their senses the children had to describe the sweets, of course, this included tasting the sweets! The children then had to use the exciting words and ideas in a piece of writing. The completed stories were based on a fictional place called Haribo Land and were full of rich and varied language.
This term Class 2 are looking at things that are Alive, No longer alive and Never alive. So far they have discussed ways to prove they are living, by describing all of the things they can do. The children also sorted a variety of objects into the three categories and we discussed any misconceptions that the class had.
Autumn Artwork
Class 2 spent some time outside this week and collected a variety of different shaped and coloured leaves. The children observed the leaves and re-created them using coloured pencils. They also used leaves to decorate an autumn hedgehog. The leaves are so detailed, it is difficult to see the real leaves from their drawings.
Hot chocolate!
Class 2 completed a piece of non-fiction writing this week. They had to write a set of instructions for making a hot chocolate. The children wrote what you needed for a hot chocolate in a list and then completed some detailed sentences on how to make it. Afterwards, the children drank their hot chocolate!
‘It was really delicious!’ Jude
‘It was scrumptious!’ Sophie
‘It was fun to make the hot chocolate,’ Isabelle
‘We were doing instructions and had to write them down. We learnt to make hot chocolate!’ Miylee.
Class 2 took part in a gymnastics festival at Spennymoor Leisure Centre on Tuesday 28th November 2017. The children completed an amazing routine with the support of Mrs Callan and Mr Plews. The children then completed the routine back at school in fronts of parents, who were very impressed!
Design Technology
Class 2 designed a puppet in DT and had to write about all of the materials they would need and how they would make it. The children then created their own sock puppet and gave it a name. We discussed what exciting adventures our puppets might have!
Christmas Baubles
Class 2 created their own Christmas star bauble this week. The children filled their bauble with glitter, pom poms & also wrote a Christmas wish for other children around the world.
Art in the style of Paul Klee
In Art this week the children have been mixing secondary colours by using the primary colours red, yellow and blue. The children then completed some large scale artwork in the style of Paul Klee, the children had to create a water colour background. Once the backgrounds are dry, the children will be adding images.
Observing using a microscope
Class 2 have been investigating materials in science this term and today they used a microscope. The children worked together to observe a variety of materials under a microscope as well as using magnifying glasses. The children noticed that each material looked different and they used words like: straight, thick, thin, bent and twisted to describe what they could see. The children were able to group pictures based on materials and knew that wool came from sheep.
Class 2 learning about Baptism with Father Alistair
Class 2 have been learning about baptism and the importance of a christening service this term in RE. As part of our classroom based learning, the children walked to St. Helen’s church and spent time with Father Alistair. He was able to explain the importance of the candle, the colour white and the holy water. The children were able to spend some time observing the font and sketching it. The children took part in their own small christening service, which saw Baby Voilet Rose being welcomed into the church (she looked beautiful even for a doll!)
Class 2 assembly
Friday 9th March 2018 saw Class 2 showcasing their work to the whole school and parents’. The children have been looking at explorers’ during history this term, their favourite was Neil Armstrong. The children recreated the Apollo 11 rocket launch, recited a poem they had created as a class and sang a special version of Fly Me To The Moon. Everyone commented how fantastic the children did and we were all very proud!
Terrific Tales with Bishop Auckland College
Class 2 had a fantastic morning working with students from Bishop Auckland College. The children completed lots of fun craft activities that were linked to the stories they heard. During the morning, the children created hedgehogs, made a star and decorated gingerbread men.
‘I made a gingerbread man and it was fantastic!’ Kaila
‘I enjoyed The Gruffalo story.’ Cody
‘I liked making things and especially the stories.’ Miylee
Class 2 have been working hard this term on their times tables, especially focusing on x2, x5 and x10. To show their understanding, the children created their own array poster. The children wrote a range of questions and drew the matching array. The children know that 2 x 3 = 6 is the same as writing 3 x 2 = 6. Some even drew 10 x 10 in an array to show the answer would be 100.
Animal Stories
Class 2 had a visit from a variety of animals this week. Martin from Animal stories brought in a variety of amphibians, reptiles, mammals and even a bird. The children all had the chance to hold each animal, they asked a variety of questions during the afternoon and learnt a range of interesting facts!
Clay modelling
The children were asked to create a 3D model in art using modelling clay. The children started with play-doh and had to created different effects using actions such as pulling, rolling and smoothing. The children went on to create their own 3D models with the clay modelling tools. The children will try salt dough next and decide which was easier to work with.
Salt dough models
Following on from the children’s clay models, they all created a salt dough model. The salt dough was made using flour, salt and a little water. After the creations were complete, the models were cooked in the oven and then air dried. The children used a variety of acrylic paints to decorate.
Collecting rubbings with wax crayons.
Class 2 have been looking at images by Max Ernst in Art. He was a famous artist who used ‘rubbing’ techniques in his work and the children went outside in the sunshine and created their own. The children tried smooth and rough objects, they decided the best rubbings came from rough objects and that you had to press on very hard with the crayon.
Design Technology – Miniature garden or beach
The children have had a fantastic time planning and making their miniature garden/beach. The children were asked to think about what they see in the garden OR at the beach, they then had to plan out what they would have in their garden or at the beach but in miniature! The children came up with some excellent ideas, they were all original and so creative. The children referred to their plans throughout and afterwards they reflected on what they were pleased with, whether their model had changed from their original plan and also what could be improved if they did something similar again.
The day the crayons quit!
Class 2 have enjoyed listening to the story ‘The day the crayons quit’. The book is all about a little boy called Duncan and his crayons. Duncan gets lots of letters from his crayons because they are fed up being used to colour the same things all of the time. The children wrote some ideas about feelings and discussed why the crayons were sad and what could be done to cheer them up. The children made their own crayon character and are looking forward to writing their own letter to Duncan.