Every year we celebrate Harvest and although it will be different this year, we still intend to do everything we can to celebrate Harvest in school, support elderly people in our community and provide provisions to our school food bank at The Well.
- Every class is going to celebrate in their own way and we will be putting together a short video about Harvest to share with you on our app because sadly we will not be able to hold a Harvest Assembly in school this year.
- Every year we ask you to nominate someone elderly in the community to receive a food parcel and although we cannot do this safely this year we are still going to ask you to nominate someone by filling in a form on the app. They will receive a voucher from us to use at The Well for a hot drink and a cake at some point over the next twelve months, when they feel it is safe for them to do so.
- If you would like to donate any pre-packed (not fresh) food to this good cause, we will provide boxes at the school gates from Monday 12th October until Wednesday 21st October or you could send a small donation of money into school with your child which we will use to buy vouchers for those people nominated.
Thank you for your continued support.