Music at Copeland Road.
Our Music leader is Miss Tomlinson.
Our Music governor is Kay Wanley.
At Copeland Road Primary School, we teach Music over alternate half terms using the ‘Charanga Music School’ scheme of work which supports all of the requirements of the National Curriculum and gives children access to a wide range of musical concepts and experiences. The Charanga scheme is based around a spiral curriculum model, allowing children to link their previous knowledge from previous years and build on this. In EYFS music is taught as part of the ‘Expressive Arts and Design’ area of learning and staff use a range of familiar nursery rhymes and counting songs to develop confidence. Reception children also have access to Charanga and use this to supplement their teaching. We also have a lunchtime choir club, who take part in visits to care homes, supermarkets and the local Church.
When children leave Copeland Road Primary we would like them to be able to:
- Perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians.
- Enjoy a wide range of songs and sing in tune.
- Create and compose music on their own and with others.
- Explore how music is produced by a variety of instruments.
- Understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated, including through the inter-related dimensions: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations.
- Experience success and satisfaction in music through a positive attitude.
- Understand and use a range of musical vocabulary.
- Have developed the interrelated skills of composition, improvisation, performance and appreciation.
The long term plan for Music is below as well as the National Curriculum.
If you require any further information about Music at our school, please contact Miss Tomlinson via the school office.