Skipping Day 2024
Chris from the Skipping School was welcomed into our school to show our children some new and exciting skipping skills. Children learned how to skip for longer and were given individual challenges. Some of the older children were using the long rope to skip as a team. the children showcased their skipping talents in a whole school assembly. We now have skipping leaders who take long ropes onto the yard at breaktime to show the younger children how to skip safely and successfully.
Escape Room Day.
Children from KS1 and KS2 were introduced to their first escape room experience. Working in teams, the children were given physical challenges that required communication and resilience. Through each stage, the children were encouraging each other and were working hard to complete each challenge.
Grab A Grown Up!
Our Reception class children and their siblings got to enjoy family active sessions in the Autumn Term. Parents and carers were invited into school to get active with their little ones, playing fun games and creating activities they can continue to do at home.
Hoopstarz 2023
The whole school enjoyed a day of hula hooping! Thanks to Karen from Hoopstartz, we learned how to hula hoop for longer, with multiple hula hoops and using different parts of our body. We also built mini hula hoop houses. The children have then enjoyed practising their skills at breaktimes.
World Cup Day 2022
Due to the excitement of the Mens’ World Cup 2022 we celebrated with a World Cup Day in school. All of the children entered a football shirt design competition and learned about some of the countries that qualified for the tournament. On the afternoon. everybody went outside to get involved in football activities including penalty shoot out, dribbling races and target practise. Everyone had an enjoyable day.