Safeguarding at Copeland Road Primary School is regarded as the highest priority.
All adults in our school have a responsibility for Safeguarding. The Designated Safeguarding leads are Mrs L Kidd, Mrs V Summerfield and Mrs J Murray.
All school appointed staff (teachers, teaching assistants, midday assistants, admin staff etc) have completed Safeguarding Training. Those staff who were not able to attend this training or have joined the school since this date have attended similar training programmes.
The named Governor for Safeguarding is Mrs C Torano.
All staff recruitment panels include at least one person who has completed appropriate ‘Safer Recruitment in Education’ training. Some Governors have also completed this training.
All visitors in school are required to wear a visitor’s badge and must sign in at the school office when they arrive in school.
All staff, governors, students and volunteers undertake a DBS check and these details are kept in a Single Central Record in school. DBS checks are monitored and updated on a regular basis.
The Safeguarding Policy (and its related policies) form a central part of the Staff Induction process, and all of these policies are reviewed annually. Safety is an important part of the curriculum and is highlighted at different times e.g. road safety, racism, stranger danger, antibullying and online safety. Assemblies are also used to promote whole school safety themes and help to promote the positive safeguarding school ethos.
Security in school is an essential part of our safety plans and we constantly review our security procedures to ensure all children and property on the premises is safe. The external areas are monitored by CCTV cameras which also monitor entry and exit to the building.
We believe that it is important to make children aware of behaviour towards them that is not acceptable, and our PSHCE and RSE curriculum support children in recognising when their personal safety is being compromised. Staff and visitors lead assemblies on Safeguarding and online safety to encourage children to speak to adults about any concerns they may have. Children are also encouraged to speak to adults at any time about any concerns and posters are displayed on every classroom door to signpost them to our school designated safeguarding leads and national organisations (i.e. ChildLine and NSPCC).
We are committed to multi-agency working, in order to ensure the best possible outcomes for all of the pupils at Copeland Road Primary School. This includes liaison with local groups who support children and parents to promote safety in all situations.
See individual policies or contact us for more specific guidance.